Do you know any tongue twister in English?
It's time to learn one! Learn Peter Piper's tongue twister. It's fun!
I don't like pickled peppers because I don't like vinegar.
What about you? Do you like pickled peppers?
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Peter Piper...
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Our books!
We have written and illustrated some books in class to celebrate Saint George, World Book Day.
In Year 6 we first read two stories on Sinbad, the sailor and Romeo and Juliet. Then, we wrote the stories and draw the pictures. Finally, we recorded the text.
So, now, read our books and listen to the stories.
Uploaded on authorSTREAM by gemturfer
You can download the PowerPoint of Sinbad the Sailor here.
Uploaded on authorSTREAM by gemturfer
You cand download the PowerPoint of Romeo and Juliet story here too.
Do you like our books? Which one do you prefer?
In Year 4 we have written a little book about a day in our life.
Read Angeles' book. It's great!
Uploaded on authorSTREAM by gemturfer
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
World Book Day
And, finally, 23rd April is the World Book and Copyright Day.
On this date and in the same year of 1616, Cervantes, Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega all died.
Now, you can play with Shakespeare!
Remeber that in Eivissa we give a book and a red rose.
Choose a book and enjoy reading!
Saint George, patron saint of England
Saint George is the patron saint of England too.
He has got a shield with a red cross. Have you ever seen this symbol before?Look at the Union flag or Union Jack and try to find Saint George's shield.
Read about Saint George Day in England clicking on Saint George's picture.
Learn more about the United Kingdom flag clicking on the flag picture.
Saint George's Legend
23rd April is Saint George's Day and the International Book Day too.
So on Thursday we are celebrating a date which is popular all around the world.
Watch the video and learn about Saint George's legend.
In Eivissa we say that St. George gave the princess a red rose.
Is there any difference between our legend and the British version? Yes, there is.
In the British legend St. George doesn't give the princess a red rose.
Saturday, 18 April 2009
We have got a new pet!
Have you seen our pet?
It's a sheep. It's a big, white sheep.
Do you know the most famous sheep in Britain? It's a black sheep.
Sing the song of Baa Baa Black Sheep.
And be happy because... we are about to start again!
Friday, 17 April 2009
See you on Monday!
Wow! I feel like a superhero because on Monday we are meeting again! We will learn a lot this term too! And we will be happy to learn together!

Saturday, 4 April 2009
You are hard workers. You have been working hard this term. So, it's time to play!
Easter is here. Play all these Easter games!
Decorate your Easter egg:Find the hidden eggs:
Count the Easter eggs and find the matching number:
And read this story:
Or you can sing it here
Poetry recitation by Emanuelle. Year 6
Two years ago we worked on the poem by Sara Coleridge, The Months. You can see the activity we did here.
Now Emanuelle, in Year 6, has learned it by heart. He has done it on his own and we have recorded the video in class. Emanulle likes English and he likes literature too.
Excellent, Emanuelle! You are great!
Thursday, 2 April 2009
International Children's Book Day
2nd April is the International Children's Book Day. We celebrate Hans Christian Andersen's birthday.
You can read some of his most popular fairy tales here.