Dear children
Enjoy these days, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day! And keep learning English next year too!
And you can start 2010 playing this jigsaw puzzle:
Thursday, 31 December 2009
And happy new year!
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Laugh with Father Christmas
Guess the answers to these jokes:
1- What is the name of Father Christmas' wife?
2- What do call Santa Claus when he doesn't move?
3- What do elves learn at school?
4- Who is Santa's most famous elf?
See more jokes here.
(Solutions: 1. Mary Christmas 2. Santa Pause 3. The elfabet 4. Elfvis)
Friday, 18 December 2009
Time for a Christmas Carol!
Christmas is here again... can you feel it?
So it's time for a Christmas Carol. Jingle bells is a traditional one.
Sing along with the Looney Tunes!
And, can you think of a traditional carol in your own language?
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Human rights
Article 1: We are all born free and equal. Therefore...
Article 2: Don't discriminate!
What can you do to observe these articles? You could play all together, don't you think so?
Remember: don't discriminate any of your classmates.
Friday, 20 November 2009
Rights of the child
Rights of the child. Article 31:All children have the right to play.
Do you really think all children in the world can play happily?
If we can play when we are children, why doesn't every child have the same rights?
The Convention on the Rights of the Child was held twenty years ago. Do you really think that we have achieved all these rights twenty years later?
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Happy birthday, Sesame Street!
When I was a child I used to watch Sesame Street. I loved it and I still love it! Today Sesame Street is forty years old! Happy birthday, Sesame Street!
I love counting and singing, and you? So, let's sing the number four song with Sesame Street. Can you count to number four? Of course you can...
Now, try to count to number fourteen and then to number forty-four too. Ready, steady, go!
Sunday, 1 November 2009
All Saints Day
Here in Eivissa we specially celebrate 1st November, All Saints Day: we eat nuts and fritters. Our favourite fritter for this day is called "bunyol".
As we have learnt two typical Halloween recipes, one from England and the other one from the USA, would you like to learn how to make our fritters? Yes, please!
Now, it's time to cook one Ibizan recipe! Follow these instructions, it's not so difficult!
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Halloween is on 31st October. It's a traditional Irish and American festival but it is celebrated all around the world too.
Pumpkins are used to make scary or funny lanterns, and they are called Jack-O'-Lanterns. You have to carve a pumpkin and put a candle in it so that it lights your home.
Carve your pumpkin here!!
And, afterwards, why not preparing a dessert with the pumpkin you have carved? Watch the video and learn how to make pumpkin pie.
Dessert Pies:
How To Make Pumpkin Pie
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Apples for Halloween
Halloween is here again! It is a traditional festival celebrated all around the world. Some cultures celebrate All Hallows Eve on 31st of October. And some others celebrate All Saints Day on 1st November.
Pumpkins are popular in the USA to celebrate Halloween on 31st October but in England, the traditional fruit for Halloween is the apple.
If you want to have a Halloween party in the English way you need to play bobbing for apples and to eat toffe apples.
Follow these instructions to play the bobbing for apples game:
1. Fill a big tub with water.
2. Add apples and they float.
3. Put your hands behind your back.
4. And get hold of an apple with your teeth.
And eat this delicious traditional food: toffee apples.
Cheap Recipes:
How To Make Toffee Apples
So, here you have two ideas for your Halloween party. You can start planning it.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Back to London!
Look at this map. Can you guess where the places of our album of London are?
Try to find on the map: the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, the National Gallery, Piccadilly Circus and Buckingham Palace.
Have a nice walk around London!
And see you next week!
Ver London Landmarks en un mapa más grande
And answer these questions too:
Can you tell me how to go from the London Eye to the Houses of Parliament?
And from the National Gallery to Piccadilly Circus?
And where is St. James Park?
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Basic vocabulary game!
It's time to play again. Play this game and check some easy vocabulary!
It's fun to play with words and language!
Click here for full screen version
Tool taken from Cool tools for schools
Sunday, 4 October 2009
What do you know about London?
Let's go back to our London album and try to think the answers to these easy questions.
Check these web pages before you answer:
3.Big Ben
4. Parks
Tool taken from Cool tool for Schools. Thanks to Jordi Adell who told us about this website.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
European Day of Languages
How could we forget this day that we love so much? Today is the European Day of Languages.
It is on 26th September. Let's celebrate langauges.
Do you know how to say "hello" in different languages?
Click on the following picture and listen to different peopole:
And watch the video with the slogan "Talk to me" in different languages too:
You could also send a greeting card to a friend:And try answering these quizzes. They are a bit difficult but you could try anyway. Learning about languages is always fun!
And here you can choose what you want to do. There are memory games too.
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Visit London!
This summer I have been to London. It is fun to travel and learn about different places and people.
I have prepared this album for you. Have a look at it and learn about London!
Tool learnt from InvesTICant blog
Saturday, 12 September 2009

Monday, 22 June 2009
You have a message!
Dear children,
Another school year has finished. You've been working hard on your blogs and your Portfolios, so it's time for you to have a rest.
I know you like learning languages and especially English. So, this summer keep practising English and don't forget our key rule: sing in English!
And a special hug for children in Year 6 who are going to change school. Good luck at secondary school.
Happy summer to everyone and see you soon! Bye!
Friday, 19 June 2009
Play and learn!
Five-year-old children:

Monday, 15 June 2009
Our blogfolios!
Children in Year 4 and in Year 6 have got a blogfolio. What is a blogfolio?
It is a blog done as a Portfolio! Do you like it? We really love our blogfolios!
Therefore, these children have worked hard on their blogfolios. We have just started the project but we are going to continue it next school year.
Have a look and see all what they can do!
Introducing myself... Summary of Primary English syllabus
We finish each school year checking what we knew and what we have learned during the school year. And a good activity to join all we can do in English is introducing oneself.
Now, students in Year 6 have added to their introduction the past simple and the future with going to. Obviously, it's not possible to add each lesson to this activity, but it is possible with some of the main topics.
Here you can listen to these two hard-working girls who can introduce themselves brilliantly. And it is a summary too of what children can say in English when they finish Primary education.
What are you going to do ...?
And, it's time to make plans too. Children in Year 6 finish Primary school now, and they talk about their plans for the future.
What are you going to do this summer?
What are you going to do after the summer holidays?
What are you going to do next year?
Dear children,
I'm going to miss you!
Good luck at secondary school!
What did you do at school?
Now that the school year is about to finish, it's time to check. We have been checking the past simple. Children in Year 6 explain what they did at school. Well done, children!
What did you do at school?
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Very young children learn English too!
My very young pupils can speak English too!
We have a friend and we talk to him in English because he can only understand English!Listen to Bertie Bear:
Bertie Bear is happy too because you are very good at English! Now, listen to these children introducing themselves:
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
What are you doing?
In Year 4 we are studying the present continuous. It's quite a difficult topic, but we have fun learning English!
What are you doing?
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Sunday, 31 May 2009
World Envoriment Day!
On 5th of June it's World Enviroment Day.
How can you control climate change?The European Comission highlights these key verbs to save our planet:turn down, switch off, recycle and walk. We can all help! Let's be changers!
How much do you know about climate change? Answer this quiz:
And, PLAY!Earth puzzle:
Sing: Earth rocks!
It gives us the food we eat, the air we breath... Let's show the Earth how much we care.
And don't forget this key rule: each one of us can help. Watch this video: Everyone can save the planet.
But what is the global warming? Listen to this explanation. It's a little difficult but very funny!
And Toni in Year 6 has shown me this video. He likes Hannah Montana and he thought I would love the video. And it's true! It's great!
Remember Michael Mussso's message: reduce, reuse, recycle.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Read and listen this explanation on the present continuous.
Learn and practise:And listen to all these examples too:
Students in Year 4, can you write some examples on your blogs? Use the present continuous.
Happy birthday, Big Ben!
London's Big Ben turns 150 years old today. Happy birthday!
It is the name of the big bell that strikes the hour. The tower clock is called Stephen's Tower, although it is popularly known as Big Ben. It is a part of the Palace of Westminster or Houses of Parliament. Learn more here.
What's the time? Play and learn!
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
International Year of Astronomy 2009
This year we are celebrating the International Year of Astronomy. It marks the 400th anniversary of Gallileo's first astronomical observation through a telescope.
Let's learn about the Universe!
And enjoy this video!
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Time to play with numbers! Now that we are about to finish school, it's a good moment to check numbers again.
Listen to the number:
Match numbers with names:
Listen to the ordinal numbers:
Listen and write the numbers:
Watch these videos. Sing the song of numbers from 10 to 20
And sing the song of numbers from 20 to 100
Friday, 22 May 2009
Our favourite photos
It's the third time we try to do this activity. Let's see if can finally do it. It seems that everything works now perfectly OK so... Good luck!
Write on your blogs what we did in Year 4.
Monday, 18 May 2009
How do you go to school?
I go to school on foot. I don't go to school by car.
What about you? Write on your blogs how you go to school.
And, PLAY! Hurray!
Spell the different means of transport:Can you guess what the word is?
Label the pictures:
And sing a song here.
Listen to the story:
Watch the video and repeat the words:
Friday, 15 May 2009
Museum Day
And on 18th May it's the Museum Day. We have visited lots of museums here in Eivissa. We like museums, especially Art ones.
Let's visit the MOMA in New York, the Museum of Modern Art. It's great!
There are lots of activities on the MOMA website for kids. Choose the ones you like best.
Internet Day
17th May is Internet Day. On Sunday we'll celebrate the web day!
But remember two important things:
1. Use the Internet safely. Don't write personal information on social networking websites. You won't be able to rub it out. So, be careful!
2. Block cyberbullying. Report abuse. Use the Internet to communicate, learn and have fun. Never use it to play evil tricks on your friends.
Watch the video, done by the European Comission, and think about its message.
And, of course, it's a day to play too.
Let's learn some vocabulary on computers. Click on each picture, play and learn.
Do you know the parts of a computer?
Learn some key words on computers here:
Can you type? Learn here!
Friday, 8 May 2009
Europe's Day!
Tomorrow is Europe's Day. Europe's Day is on 9th May.
Let's live all together!
Play with the flags of the countries in the European Union.
Listen to Europe's Anthem:
Look at all these important monuments in Europe. Where are they?
There are lots of games here. Play and learn about Europe.
But, what is Europe?
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
Dear Mummy,
Thank you for taking care of me!
I love you so much!
Today is Mother's Day in Spain. Don't forget to congratulate your mum. You can do it online:Remember that your mommy is the woman who takes care of you. So, you can also congratulate your grandma or your auntie.
And you can play here with your mum. Have fun together!
What gift have you given your mummy? This is my suggestion:
1. A big kiss
2. A bigger hug
3. The most important promise:
Mummy, I promise I will always do my homework and study hard!
And finally, watch the video.
Mums make it all better:
By the way, is today Mother's Day in England? No, it isn't.
They celebrate Mother's Day on the fourth Sunday in Lent. So this year Mother's Day was on 22nd March.
Friday, 1 May 2009
The Solar System
In Year 6 we are studying the Solar System.
Play and learn about the planets!
Which one is the biggest?
Which one is the coldest?
Which ones are nearer to the Sun than Planet Earth?
Peter Piper by pupils in Year 6
Pupils in Year 6 can say the tongue twister of Peter Piper.
Congratulations, children! You can say it brilliantly!
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Peter Piper...
Do you know any tongue twister in English?
It's time to learn one! Learn Peter Piper's tongue twister. It's fun!
I don't like pickled peppers because I don't like vinegar.
What about you? Do you like pickled peppers?
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Our books!
We have written and illustrated some books in class to celebrate Saint George, World Book Day.
In Year 6 we first read two stories on Sinbad, the sailor and Romeo and Juliet. Then, we wrote the stories and draw the pictures. Finally, we recorded the text.
So, now, read our books and listen to the stories.
Uploaded on authorSTREAM by gemturfer
You can download the PowerPoint of Sinbad the Sailor here.
Uploaded on authorSTREAM by gemturfer
You cand download the PowerPoint of Romeo and Juliet story here too.
Do you like our books? Which one do you prefer?
In Year 4 we have written a little book about a day in our life.
Read Angeles' book. It's great!
Uploaded on authorSTREAM by gemturfer
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
World Book Day
And, finally, 23rd April is the World Book and Copyright Day.
On this date and in the same year of 1616, Cervantes, Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega all died.
Now, you can play with Shakespeare!
Remeber that in Eivissa we give a book and a red rose.
Choose a book and enjoy reading!
Saint George, patron saint of England
Saint George is the patron saint of England too.
He has got a shield with a red cross. Have you ever seen this symbol before?Look at the Union flag or Union Jack and try to find Saint George's shield.
Read about Saint George Day in England clicking on Saint George's picture.
Learn more about the United Kingdom flag clicking on the flag picture.