Friday, 9 September 2011

KUENTALIBROS: find and share your favourite books!

It's so fun reading that I can't stop reading every day ... and you?

Today I have to tell you about a site that you will love a lot. It's a site where you will find lots of books: adventure stories, fairy tales, mistery books... It is called:

On Kuentalibros there is a section of stories in English... wow! There are so many fun stories!


So, don't hesitate... visit it now and start reading.

And then you can tell KUENTALIBROS what you liked about the book you read like Raquel:

New school year and new friends!

We love so much going back to school, don't we?... It's time to meet our old friends and to meet new ones too! You can play with them and you can learn together lots of things!

Do you want to meet Patrick, Kenvin and Arty's new friend? So, read this story ...

And if you would like to read more fantastic books like this one, visit KUENTALIBROS